Study: Philippians + Kid•Life!

Join us on Wednesdays for a casual learning environment where we discuss topics in scripture and how they relate to how we live. Kid•Life explores God's word uniquely suited for […]

Zoom Study: You & Me Forever

Join us for a study for married couples or couples interest in marriage! Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 894 2809 3218 Passcode: 578707 Purchase book:

Study: Philippians + Kid•Life!

Join us on Wednesdays for a casual learning environment where we discuss topics in scripture and how they relate to how we live. Kid•Life explores God's word uniquely suited for […]

Zoom Study: You & Me Forever

Join us for a study for married couples or couples interest in marriage! Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 894 2809 3218 Passcode: 578707 Purchase book:

Study: Philippians + Kid•Life!

Join us on Wednesdays for a casual learning environment where we discuss topics in scripture and how they relate to how we live. Kid•Life explores God's word uniquely suited for […]

Zoom Study: You & Me Forever

Join us for a study for married couples or couples interest in marriage! Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 894 2809 3218 Passcode: 578707 Purchase book:

Study: Philippians + Kid•Life!

Join us on Wednesdays for a casual learning environment where we discuss topics in scripture and how they relate to how we live. Kid•Life explores God's word uniquely suited for […]